Bond Machine Knitting - Knitters Tote Bag (Sewn) Pattern

Date: Mon, 01 Dec 1997 08:49:00 -0800
From: Linda Boudreau (
Subject: [BOND] Knitters Tote - Gift Pattern

        2 yards of main fabric
        Grosgrain ribbon or make straps to match and line the ribbon - 11/2
        Velcro tabs.

Directions:-  Note:-  If making as a gift and wanting to do a decorative
tote a  yard of nice tapestry fabric will make a beautiful outside shell and
this will decrease the above yardage by 1 yard.

        Cut fabric 18 inches by width of fabric - 45 inch is preferred.
        Cut  a piece of tapestry fabric as above.
        Cut a piece of tapestry fabric and a piece of backing fabric 12.5
inches times width of fabric.  Seam these two pieces together rights sides
together, press seam open, then fold over, iron, and topstitch.  You now
have a piece of fabric that is lined on the inside with plain fabric and the
tapestry fabric showing out.
        Cut straps or grosgrain ribbon in half - or to desired length.

        Layer as follows.
        18 inch x 45 inch piece right side up.
        12 inch x 45 inch piece of right side up on top of this but lined up
with the bottom so that there is 6 inches showing at the top.
        Decorative or tapestry fabric, ( 18 inches section ) wrong side up
and right side down on top of all.
        Pin securely so that none of this shifts.  You are encasing and
lining at the same time.
        Stitch down the sides, backsttiching where the middle layer of
fabric lies as this will be a stress point on the apron/tote, stitch across
the bottom, and up the side backstitching again where the 12 inch piece of
fabric lines.

        Turn right side out clipping corners at the bottom, and press.  Top
stitch the sides and bottom if desired.

        Take a 5 x 20 inch piece and stitch the straps to each end with
straps lying on right side of fabric.  Place these towards the centre and
sew down the side seams, clip corners and turn right side out. Press turning
under the front edge at least 1/2 inch for seaming.

        Run a gathering stitch or pleat and insert into the above opening.
Pin well and stitch to the back part of the band only at this time.  Once
pleased with the results, then turn the front band down and either hand or
machine stitch in place.

        Press well so that all lies flat.  Measure and mark the apron off
into thirds with the largest pocket being the centre one as this will hold
the knitting in progress and the side pockets will hold keys,knitting
notions and a pattern.  Put a velcro dot or snap on the pockets if desired
especially the ones where you wouldkeep any valuables.  

        Turn over and place a velcro tab in all four corners. of the
tapestry of foundation piece.

        When knitting tie around the waist.  When travelling, take off, fold
one over the other.  Velcro dots in place and toss over the shoulder with
the apron strings tied.  You now have a wonderful tote.

        When you both hand and or machine knit these pockets are great for
machine knitters to hold those little gadgets you are always fiddling with
and we can take along some handknitting wih us when we head out the door.
Besides the tapestry side will always be the eye catcher until we sit down
to knit, of course.

Linda Boudreau,
North Kentville Knits.  (Linda)  

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Author : Steph Thornton.
Last modified on : 9th November 1999.